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Welcome to HMS Journey Notes!  As we have just begun our clinical training,  we have already been faced with the wonders, the heartache, the joy, and the suffering that one experiences and witnesses when embarking a career in medicine. The HMS Class of 67 has graciously offered their words of wisdom to help us navigate the questions and thoughts that we have about medicine, relationships, and life. They pass on their stories of joy, heartbreak, worry, and all of the emotions in between that we will experience as future physicians so that we can become the compassionate physicians we strive to be. 

- HMS Class of 26  

Image by Ire Photocreative

Letters from the Class of 67

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Topics for Inspiration

  • How have you dealt with witnessing so much suffering and death in the world?

  • How have you maintained balance with your family, friends, and all things outside of medicine? Is the balance possible?

  • How do you remain inspired?

  • What do you do when having difficult conversations with patients and their families?

  • How do you grapple with the mistakes you have made?

  • Are there things you would have done differently if you were to redo medical school?  

  • How have you nurtured strong relationships with colleagues?

  • What are your 3 pieces of advice for someone starting a career in medicine?


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